Installation file for first-time users
How to use
See the installation manual for details.
Unzip the zip file to PC.
Upload each required file to a folder on the server. See the configuration below.
Do not unzip .tar files to PC.
- Guide setting permissions when install PAGE2.
- You have to understand the chmod command in Unix (Linux).
- Delete it from the server if the usage purpose fulfilled. It could be vulnerable to security.
- This file must be located in the HTML Document Root folder.
- Creates a default folder and file using for PAGE2.
- Run '' to unzip .tar files.
- It contains .htaccess files.
- This file must be located in the Account Home folder.
- Only for server administrator's. (Not for general users.)
- Use when applying PAGE2 to entire servers.
- Create the /page2 folder just below root and give authorities to the administrator accounts except root.
- This file must be located in the folder '/page2' folder.
- Shell script for common users using PAGE2.
- 700 Permission is recommended.
- This file must be located in the Account Home folder.
Usage: html 700
- html: HTML Document Root. It may have been set to a different name.